The Adaptive Organisation Framework
The diciplines and skills needed to enable organisation-wide adaptability
The Adaptive Organisation Framework
In today's rapidly changing business landscape, Adaptive organisations will not only survive, but thrive the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity that characterise todays world.
So how do we define them?
Adaptive organisations intentionally develop an operating rhythm that inherently embodies the ability to:
proactively detect significant micro and macro shifts,
respond using a coordinated innovation method
and mobilize their workforce systematically to address threats and opportunitise
and ultimately change ahead of competition.
With the contemporary push for skills-based approaches to workplace learning and capability uplift, Adaptability makes a compelling case for status as the organisation-wide capability that professional development should be situated in. ​​​
The Disciplines form the foundation of the framework - a sure footing upon which to build competency grouped skills that enable and sustain adaptability.
In the disciplines we account for sound, data informed decision making, a conceptual framework within which to view the organisation as a system, an innovation approach and the means with which to mobilise the workforce towards the organisation's goals and objectives.
Competencies grouped Skills
The Competencies logically and objectively group together the skills that work together to enhance adaptability by binding together the application of the disciplines. These competencies group the skills that determine how well we sense-make or detect threats and opportunities, how well we innovate and create in response to these, how we work connect and relate to others as we deliver our services or drive operations.
Contact us
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