About the Course
Creativity is a critical skill that provides individuals and teams in adaptive organisations with the vehicle for innovation to emerge. Creativity is an innate skill in all people that enables us to develop new ideas and solutions.
This course will equip people with tools and methods that turbocharge their creative juices and promote collaborative ideation to solve real business problems.
This course is designed by a Doctoral level learning design expert in conjunction with subject matter leaders with extensive domain experience and outstanding academic credentials.
Run in a cohort-based, activity-led format, it goes beyond theory to provide practical methods and frameworks that you can immediately apply in your workplace.
Harness visual thinking and leverage brain-based techniques to tap into the creative process
Apply a proven structured method to generate and implement innovative ideas
Leverage collective brainstorming methods to generate unique ideas and fresh perspectives
Cluster and theme ideas
Apply prioritisation methods to select ideas
Plan personal growth opportunities to strengthen creativity